Monday, May 24, 2010

My Blog Award.

Even though I am dealing with some challenges right now (family issues, health issues, etc...) I still have taken the time to read my daily blogs and when I opened Katy's this morning this is what I found. What a great way to lift someones spirits. Thank you I needed this.

I am so touched that someone would think of me as a beautiful blogger. I have never been beautiful at anything that I can remember. So this is extra special to me thank you Katy@

Now I need to pass it to 7 other people. These are NOT in any order just in the order of remembrance in my mind. It was hard to just name 7 cause I have so many that are deserving of it. So here I go:

1~Sam@ I love her blog and her words are so up lifting. She is very spiritual and down to earth. I get to see her every Thursday at our weekly WW weigh in meetings. I can relate to her on so many levels. I know if you read her blog you will too.

2~John@ He is a short and sweet blogger. Sometimes its the small words that we need to hear. Not the lengthy paragraphs that so many of us write. In this busy world we live in who really has time to write a lot and then read everybody's blogs? John is funny and yet down to earth. He takes the time to leave sweet up lifting comments on my blog. If you go and visit his blog you will see what an amazing person he is. He has a long journey but I know he will make it!

3~Quay@ Where do I begin with this sweet lady! I continue to read or follow her because she is REAL! She has a sense of humor that will actually make you laugh at loud not just LOL. (there is a difference if you were wondering) Such an incredible ride in her journey to lose weigh. She is a constant reminder to me that we need to look at our inner beauty and be proud of ourselves. Thank you Quay.

4~Julie@ If you ever need a pep talk just go visit Julie. She is an exercise maniac. She constantly shocks me with her energy level. She makes me jealous of her abilities to conquer. She inspires me to press forward with my goals. Thank you Julie for being such a great leader.

5~Celeste@ She is a new follower that I read everyday. I learned of her on the TV. (So shes a movie star) She has such a long journey but has incredible strength and determination to get to her goal. Putting it all out there for the world to see on national TV had to be so scary and hard. Her blog is very pretty to read and look at, as a scrapbooker I can appreciate the work. Go pop over and support her on her weight loss journey.

6~Kris@ With out Kris I would not be here. She is my WW leader and encouraged her members to start a blog at our accountability meeting. Who knew I would be so inspired to blog about my weight? Because of Kris I have met a lot of very special people. I don't think you can ever have too many supporters. She post some very yummy and healthy recipes on her blog. Due to her time being used up as a leader, she doesn't post everyday. But what she does post are things that we as followers can use in our lives forever. Thank you Kris for being such a great Weight Watcher's leader.

7~TaDa@ And I CAN NOT forget about this blogger. I posted a post that I received several heart warming hugs on. But she offered her time and ears and sent me her email (a complete stranger too) as an extra source of comfort. I read her blog everyday and am so grateful for her kind words. Knowing that someone REALLY cares and has opened the lines of communication, to more than just the public forum of the blogging world, meant a lot to me. Thank you so much for leaned your ear to me. I love the foods that she post and she keeps it real with admitting she not perfect either. Her blog is bright and easy on the eyes. (plus she is from FL, a place I always want to go someday)

Now if you see your name/blog listed here copy the award to your computer and add it to your blog. Make sure you make it a permanent photo so everyone can see you are a


  1. Woohoo!! Congrats :)

  2. It shocks me to think that you don't consider yourself beautiful because you SO are!

    I'm so glad Katy gave you this award and if you haven't seen my page, I gave you one too! Apparently, we're all thinking about (and thankful for) you. :)

  3. First...Congratulations Lesia... You so deserve this!! And not be cause we know each other at WW but because you have a heart as big as my BUTT!! I love you!

    Oh and thanks for giving me the same honor! *hugs*

  4. I am even shorter on words now. Thank you Lesia! You are beyond awesome.

  5. Congrats on your Beautiful Blogger deserve it! I also hope things quiet down a bit more for you and the extra challenges subside.

  6. Congratulations on your beautiful blogger award! Justly awarded in my opinion.

  7. Oh my .. you included me... I am having such a shitty day... you just brought a tear to my eyes with your kind words.... I read your blog everyday.. your success keeps me chugging.. and there is nothing phoney or fake about you..and I love that you speak your mind... and lets not forget those awesome inspiring comments you leave..You truly are a great person .. you so deserve the award

    HUGE HUGS...and thank you...

  8. I thought I posted this earlier but apparently I didn't because it's not here. I still get stumped sometimes with the comment pages that refresh and have you enter that word. Anyhoo...what I said earlier is that I think you really are a beautifull blogger and the award is very fitting! I also said I would love to meet up with you when you're in San Diego.

  9. Congrats on your award! Glad you came back for a visit!

  10. Congrats on your award! I'm glaqd your back and I hope things are starting to look up for you!

  11. Well, dear, you certainly deserved the award! Your blog is beautiful and you are beautiful! It almost makes me want to blog!

  12. You have to be one of the nicest people I know! Thank you so much for the award! I can't wait to post it! I hope everything is okay for you. I've been thinking about you for a few days now and just wanted to let you know that I have really appreciated your comments on my blog and the words you write here. Hang in there and if you need an ear, let me know --

